"Apta Vita, or ‘Fit for Life’
is what I hope to achieve with all of my patients.
Whether you’re an elite athlete striving to qualify for a national event, a club runner hoping to beat a personal best, or whether you’re trying to get back to a physically demanding job or even a grandparent hoping to get down on the carpet to play with your grandchildren, I offer a thorough assessment for all. I have a wide range of skills to help you achieve your goals and help you to be fit for the life you choose."
Catherine Cotterill MCSP, BSc, MSc
"Apta Vita, or ‘Fit for Life’ is what I hope to achieve with all of my patients.
Whether you’re an elite athlete striving to qualify for a national event, a club runner hoping to beat a personal best, or whether you’re trying to get back to a physically demanding job or even a grandparent hoping to get down on the carpet to play with your grandchildren, I offer a thorough assessment for all. I have a wide range of skills to help you achieve your goals and help you to be fit for the life you choose."
Catherine Cotterill MCSP, BSc, MSc
Our running assessment service now includes Runeasi technology, alongside video analysis and tests for muscle strength and flexibility. The data collected is used to create a bespoke training plan, including advice on footwear and strength and conditioning goals. We offer running assessments for runners of all abilities as well as athletes from running based sports like rugby and football. This service is great for those looking to improve their running performance, athletes returning to their sport following injury, or those looking to prevent injury.
Our experienced upper limb specialist physio, Candice Smith, can provide a thorough assessment on a wide variety of conditions relating to the neck, shoulder and arm.
These include:
Price List
Physiotherapy Initial Assessment* £48
Physiotherapy Follow-up* £38
Physiotherapy Initial Concession* £45
Physiotherapy Follow-up Concession* £35
Acupuncture 1 Hour £50
Acupuncture 30 mins £35
*The price is the same for all of the treatments listed above.
Paul Bain
Kev Robertson
Liam Copping
Michael van Zwanenberg
Helen Cowan
Coastfit gym is in the same building as Apta Vita and is run by Sam Barden who is a holistic personal trainer and surf coach. Along with personal training and surf coaching, Sam offers the following classes:
Sam also offers a full body wellness evaluation called a body MOT. This is a 2 hour assessment of your overall fitness and holistic health.
If you want to learn more about Coastfit then click on the link to the website where all personal training, classes and the body MOT can be booked and purchased directly through. If any of the classes interest you then get a 20 % discount on classes with discount code APTAVITA20.